Privacy Policy

Stance does not store any user data. The user's responses to the survey are stored locally to generate scores, and never stored in the long term. We use local storage— that is, data storage that is on your own computer, not our servers— to use your responses to generate codes.

Privacy matters. Knowledge over you is power over you, and collecting your personal data just doesn't sit right with us. To us, your political preferences qualify as sensitive data: this it is stored by you, not us. If you wan't to see how the code works, Stance is entirely open-source, available on Github.

Stance collects basic web analytics using Shynet. Shynet is a modern, privacy-friendly, cookie-free web analytics serivce. By using Shynet, we ensure that our visitors' info is not handled by a third party company, and that your personal data is not collected. Shynet is open source— you can see how it works on Github.

Stance's privacy policy was updated last on May 4, 2021, at 9:32 PM